
LHU organizes Master Teacher Training Course

The Office of Testing and Quality Assurance, LHU has successfully organized the Master Teacher Training (MTT) Course to enhance the teaching capacity of more than 40 lecturers. The Course was presided by Dr. Lam Thanh Hien - Rector, and instructed by Dr. Le Phuong Truong, MSc. Van Dinh Vy Phuong and MPharm. Ngo Dinh Hoang Diem.

Participating lecturers in a memorable photo 

The MTT Course took place from March 15 to April 13, 2024, focusing on contents: Bloom's taxonomy, Kolb Learning Styles, Critical Thinking Model, PBL (Problem-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning), Everyday Examples, Flipped Classroom and Accreditation.

Rector Lam Thanh Hien presiding the Course

Dr. Le Phuong Truong, Head of the Office of Testing and Quality Assurance, stressed that the Course provides the teaching staff with many practical experiences, helping them apply active teaching methods to each lesson. This also helps students discover knowledge for themselves and increase their interest in accessing knowledge.

Lecturers jointly doing practice exercises in groups

The Course was a combination of self-study with guidance on experience-based activities and direct discussions from the instructors. Through that, the lecturers accessed highly practical exercises, and summarized useful knowledge and experience to apply in improving the training quality.


LHU, Master Teacher Training, teaching capacity, Quality Assurance

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