Mechatronics and Electronics of LHU's student help to solve community’s challenge

    The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Building University Industry  Learning  and  Development through  Innovation  and  Technology  (BUILD-IT)  Alliance  and  Arizona  State  University  (ASU)  in partnership  with  the  Dow  Chemical  Vietnam  LLC  (Dow)  launched  the  Engineering  Projects  in Community  Service  Program  (EPICS)  in  Vietnam.

    Mechatronics and Electronics of LHU's student participating  in  the EPICS 

    There  are 21  student teams  participating  in  the EPICS  program  in  Vietnam  are  taking  learning  by  doing  to  the  next  level  learning  by  creating!

    The  EPICS  program  is  an  internationally  recognized  multi-disciplinary  social  entrepreneurship challenge  that  provides  student teams  from  STEM  fields,  science,  technology,  engineering,  and mathematics  with  a  collaborative  mindset  and   technical  skills  to  brainstorm,  design,  prototype, and  test  their  engineering based  solutions to  local  challenges.

    The  program  partners  student teams  with  local  schools  and  no-t for -profit  organizations  to  co-create  valuable  solutions  which address  their  local  community’s  challenges. Lac  Hong  University; Danang University  of  Science  &  Technology;  Ho  Chi  Minh  City  University  of  Technology; And Industrial University  of  Ho  Chi  Minh  City;  If  offered  effective tools  and  guidance,  STEM  students  can  create  valuable  solutions  to  their  own  community’s challenges.  Twenty one  EPICS  teams  have  created  more  than  20  community based  solutions,  including  large  amounts  of  clean  food. Students  pitched  their  innovations  and  shared  their journeys  from  brainstorming  to  prototyping  using  testing  and  market  research.

    Source: EPICS Report

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