Student events

Students’ training workshop on “Office administrative profession and Communication at work”

With the goal of helping final year students in particular and all students of the department in general, grasp the basic skills needed in the administrative and office profession such as organization, administration, standardization, testing, controlling information, processing activities to achieve business goals, equipment management, physical conditions ..., and communication precautions at work, the English Language Department invited Mr. Tran Tan Phat, Head of General Department - SeAH Steel Co., Ltd., to share these basic contents with faculty students. It is known that Mr. Tran Tan Phat is also an alumnus of English language major.


The workshop was held on June 13, 2020, at the Lac Hong University Campus 2 with the participation of the final year students, the leaders of the English language faculty and business representatives. This is a topic that students are very interested in. This is one of the efforts of FEL in equipping students with necessary soft skills for their future jobs.

This activity is held annually and attracts a lot of senior students to participate.

Mr. Lê Đức Thịnh - Dean of FEL, Mr. Tran Tan Phat, Head of General Department - SeAH Steel Co., Ltd. & Mr. Phạm Thanh Bình - Lecturer of FEL .


English Department

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      • Tel: 0251 3952 778
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