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TS. Hồ Dũng Mạnh



Họ và tên: Hồ Dũng Mạnh

Giới tính: Nam

Ngày, tháng, năm sinh: 12/05/1984                  

Nơi sinh: Nghệ An

Quê quán: Nghệ An                                            

Dân tộc: Kinh

Học vị cao nhất: Tiến sĩ                                    

Năm nhận học vị: 2015

Địa chỉ liên lạc: KDC Hoá An, Đường Hoàng Minh Chánh, Biên Hòa, Đồng Nai.

Điện thoại: 0972483085                                      

E-mail: manhhodung@gmail.com


* Các bài báo chuyên ngành:

1. The relationship between dioxins and salivary steroid hormones in Vietnamese primiparae

2013. Environmental health and preventive medicine.18 (3), 221-229.

2. High cortisol and cortisone levels are associated with breast milk dioxin concentrations in Vietnamese women.2014. Eur J Endocrinol. 170 (1), 131-139.

3. The relationship between Agent Orange and prostate specific antigen: a comparison of a hotspot and a non-sprayed area in Vietnam. 2013. Environmental health and preventive medicine. 18(5), 356-360

4. Serum dioxin levels in Vietnamese men more than 40 years after herbicide spraying. 2014. Environmental science & technology. 48(6), 3496-3503

5. 2, 3, 7, 8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in breast milk increases autistic traits of 3-year-old children in Vietnam. 2014. Molecular Psychiatry. 19(11), 1220-1226

6. Relationship between dioxin and steroid hormones in sera of Vietnamese men. 2014. Biomarkers. 19(3), 236-240

7. Levels of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans in breast milk samples from three dioxin-contaminated hotspots of Vietnam. 2015. Science of The Total Environment. 511, 416-422

8. Dioxins and nonortho PCBs in breast milk of vietnamese mothers living in the largest hot spot of dioxin contamination. 2015. Environmental Science & Technology. 49(9), 5732-5742

9. Scientific publications in Vietnam as seen from Scopus during 1996-2013. 2015. Scientometrics. 105, 83-95.

10. Influence of dioxin exposure upon levels of prostate-specific antigen and steroid hormones in Vietnamese men. 2016. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23(8), 7807-7813

11. Inverse association of highly chlorinated dioxin congeners in maternal breast milk with dehydroepiandrosterone levels in three-year-old Vietnamese children. 2016. Science of The Total Environment. 550, 248-255

12. Low birth weight of Vietnamese infants is related to their mothers dioxin and glucocorticoid levels. 2016. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23(11), 10922-10929

13. A 28-year observational study of urinary cadmium and β2-microglobulin concentrations in inhabitants in cadmium-polluted areas in Japan.2016. Journal of Applied Toxicology

14. Effects of aging on cadmium concentrations and renal dysfunction in inhabitants in cadmium polluted regions in Japan. 2017. Journal of Applied Toxicology. 37(9), 1046-1052

15. The relationship between dioxins exposure and risk of prostate cancer with steroid hormone and age in Vietnamese men.2017. Science of the Total Environment. 595, 842-848

16. A relationship in adrenal androgen levels between mothers and their children from a dioxin-exposed region in Vietnam. 2017. Science of the Total Environment. 607, 32-41

17. JSME Molecular Editor: A Tool for creating Interactive Web-based Organic Chemistry Exercises. World Journal of Chemical Education. 5(5), 164-167

18. Androgen disruption by dioxin exposure in 5-year-old Vietnamese children: Decrease in serum testosterone level. 2018. Science of The Total Environment. 640, 466-474

19. Rearing of Aedes aegypti mosquito in the laboratory and assessing the larvicide of Cymbopogon citratus oil and Eucalyptus citriodora oil  against Aedes aegypti larvae. 2019. Journal of Science of Lac Hong University. 7, 57-61

20. Association of dioxin in maternal breast milk and salivary steroid hormone levels in preschool children: A five-year follow-up study of a Vietnam cohort.2020. Chemosphere. 241, 124899

21. The Mosquito Larvicidal Activity of Essential Oils from Cymbopogon and Eucalyptus Species in Vietnam. 2020. Insects. 11(2), 128

22. Larvicidal and Repellent Activity of Mentha arvensis L. Essential Oil against Aedes aegypti. 2020. Insects. 11 (3), 198.

* Các đề tài, dự án, nhiệm vụ khác đã chủ trì:

1. Nghiên cứu về thành phần hoá học và khả năng diệt bọ gậy Aedes aegypti của của tinh dầu sả chanh và bạch đàn chanh ở Việt Nam, 2018-2019. Đề tài khoa học cơ sở cấp Trường đại học Lạc Hồng.

  • Địa chỉ: Số 10, Huỳnh Văn Nghệ, P. Bửu Long, Tp. Biên Hòa - Tỉnh Đồng Nai
  • Điện thoại: 0251 3952 778
  • Email: lachong@lhu.edu.vn
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