Functional Departments

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Administration - Personnel Office

Based on the Decision No.919/QĐ-ĐHLH dated November 1st, 2018 issued by the Rector, the Office of Administration - Personnel has following functions:

  • 1. To give advice to the Rector on the work of organization, personnel, and general administration; the welfare program for employees; the work of administration, clerical and storage documents; order and security maintenance.
  • 2. To effectively handle daily work assigned by the Rector.

Staff of the Administration - Personnel Office

1. Coordinate with the Office of Academic Affairs, assist the Rector in the work of personnel organization.
2. Make personnel plans based on units' proposals; perform personnel organization, recruitmentsupervise personnel management and use; appoint leaders; plan to develop the personnel according to the Resolution of the Board of Trustees or the direction of the Rector.

3. Coordinate with functional units to develop, adjust, supplement and promulgate rules, regulations in accordance with the development requirements of the University.

4. Perform the welfare program for employees; train and foster personnel's profession; perform the work of recruitment, social insurance, health insurance, salary increase, hardship allowances. 

5. Perform the work of emulation, rewards and punishments; be a standing unit in emulation and commendation work.

6. Perform the security work; coordinate with the Office of Equipment Management and Supplies in fire prevention, firefighting; act as a standing unit to coordinate with the State agencies and local authorities in security and order activities on campuses.

7. Manage and update monthly, quarterly and yearly personnel files and resumes.

8. Perform the work of statistical and synthetic reports, announcements; set up weekly business schedules as prescribed by the Rector.

9. Coordinate with relevant units to organize yearly seminars and conferences assigned by the Rector.

10. Perform the work of administration, clerical and storage documents; receive and classify documents; act as an advisor for the Rector to timely and quickly handle administrative documents; manage the University's seals pursuant to the States' regulations; issue work certifications, referrals, and certifications to permanent personnel; copy documents issued by the University and the superiors.

11. Manage the University's restroom.

12. Manage the meeting room; serve drinks for the meeting room; buy airline tickets and make the payment of business fees for the Management Board.

13. Manage the driver team and the use of cars.

14. Perform other tasks assigned by the Rector.

The Management Board

  • Dr. Tran Hoang Minh
  • Manager
MA. Nguyen Ngoc Son
Deputy Manager
Contact Information
No. 10 Huynh Van Nghe, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province 
Office: Room A103 - Campus 1
Tel: (+84) 2513  952138
Fax: (+84) 2513 952534

  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
  • Email:
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