Research activities

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International research papers

List of selected international papers published by researchers at Pharmacy faculty:

Ho Dung Manh, Do Thi Hue , Nguyen Thi Thanh Hieu, Doan Thi Thanh Tuyen, and Ong Thi Tuyet. The Mosquito Larvicidal Activity of Essential Oils from Cymbopogon and Eucalyptus Species in Vietnam. Insects. 2/2020

Ho Dung Manh, Ong Thi Tuyet. Larvicidal and Repellent Activity of Mentha arvensis L. essential Oil against Aedes aegypti. Insects. 3/2020

Dai Hai Nguyen, Long Giang Bach, Diem-Huong Nguyen Tran, Van Du Cao, Thi Nhu Quynh Nguyen, Thi Thu Hong Le, Thach Thao Tran, Thai Thanh Hoang Thi. Partial Surface Modification of Low Generation Polyamidoamine Dendrimers: Gaining Insight into their Potential for Improved Carboplatin Delivery. Biomolecules 2019, 9, 214

Quynh Thi Huong Bui, Khoi Xuan Pham, Tien Hoang Tran, Lan Thi Tuyet Le, Ho Nhu Nguyen. Impact of a pharmacist-led educational intervention on quality of life among patients with asthma. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 5/2019

Thai Thanh Hoang Thi, Van Du Cao, Thi Nhu Quynh Nguyen, Duc Thuan Hoang, Van Cuong Ngo, Dai Hai Nguyen. Functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles and biomedical applications. Materials Science & Engineering C. 6/2019

Thi Xuan Vu, Quynh Bui Thi Huong. The effect of the pharmacist’s intervention on potentially inappropriate medication prescription in older adults in a Vietnamese hospital. Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia. 2019; 46 (1), 54-61

Vo Minh Hoang Do, Long Giang Bach, Diem-Huong Nguyen Tran, Van Du Cao, Thi Nhu Quynh Nguyen, Duc Thuan Hoang, Van Cuong Ngo, Dai Hai Nguyen, and Thai Thanh Hoang Thi. Effective Elimination of Charge-associated Toxicity of Low Generation Polyamidoamine Dendrimer Eases Drug Delivery of Oxaliplatin. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering. 9/2019

Ngoc Thuy Trang Le, Cao Văn Dư, Nguyễn Thị Như Quỳnh, Hoàng Đức Thuận; Ngô Văn Cường. Soy Lecithin-Derived Liposomal Delivery Systems: Surface Modification and Current App. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 9/2019

Ngoc Thuy Trang Le, Cao Văn Dư, Nguyễn Thị Như Quỳnh, Hoàng Đức Thuận; Ngô Văn Cường. Recent Progress and Advances of Multi-Stimuli-Responsive Dendrimers in Drug Delivery for Cancer Treatment. Pharmaceutics. 11/2019

Xian Liang Sun,Rie Okamoto, Teruhiko Kido, Seijiro Honma, Ho Dung Manh. Association of dioxin in maternal breast milk and salivary steroid hormone levels in preschool children: A five-year follow-up study of a Vietnam cohort. Chemosphere, 9/2019

Nguyen Thi Phuong Oanh, Teruhiko Kido, Seijiro Honma, Yuko Oyama, Le Thai Anh, Hoang Duc Phuc, Nguyen Hoang Viet, Ho Dung Manh et al: Androgen disruption by dioxin exposure in 5-year-old Vietnamese children: Decrease in serum testosterone level. Science of The Total Environment; 640-641:466-474. 06/2018

Pol Van Nguyen, Phong Quang Truong , Truc Thanh Thi Tran,  Hiep Huu Tran, Trung Quang Vo. Dengue Fever-Related Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices Of University Pharmacy Students. Eurasian Journal Of Analytical Chemistry. 3/2018

Phuong Doan, Van Du Cao, Dai Hai Nguyen, Ngoc Quyen Tran. Metallic Nanoparticles: Potential Ecofungicide for Controlling Growth of Plant-pathogenic Fungi. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan. 03/2018

Quang Vo T, Ngoc Do A, Thanh Tran T. Current status of knowledge about and attitudes toward the hepatitis B virus at a private university in Southern Vietnam: A cross-sectional self-reported study. Asian J Pharm;12(1):S99–112. 4/2018

Tong, N.A.N.; Tran, N.Q.; Nguyen, X.D.T.; Cao, V.D.; Nguyen, T.P.; Nguyen, C.K. Thermosensitive heparin-Pluronic® copolymer as effective dual anticancer drugs delivery system for combination cancer therapy. Int. J. Nanotechnol. 15, 174–187. 01/2018

Trung Quang Vo , Phu Minh Tran , Hiep Huu Tran. Birth Control Knowledge among Pharmacy Undergraduate Students in Vietnam: A Case Study and Situation Analysis. Asian J Pharm. 4/2018.

Trinh PTH, An NH, An PN, Dung LT, Tri MD, Minh PN, Du CV, Thuy NTL, Tuan NT, et al. A new benzofuran derivative from the leaves of Ficus pumila L. Nat Prod Res. 10/2017

Ho Dung Manh , Cao Van Du, Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong. JSME Molecular Editor: A Tool for creating Interactive Web-based Organic Chemistry Exercises. World Journal of Chemical Education.10/2017

Le Thai Anh, Teruhiko Kido, Seijiro Honma, Ho Dung Manh et al: A relationship in adrenal androgen levels between mothers and their children from a dioxin-exposed region in Vietnam. Science of The Total Environment; 607-608:32-41. 12/2017

Xian Liang Sun, Teruhiko Kido, Seijiro Honma, Eitetsu Koh, Rie Okamoto, Ho Dung Manh et al.: The relationship between dioxins exposure and risk of prostate cancer with steroid hormone and age in Vietnamese men. Science of The Total Environment; 595:842-848. 04/2017

Hoang Duc Phuc, Teruhiko Kido, Nguyen Thi Phuong Oanh, Ho Dung Manh, et al.: Effects of aging on cadmium concentrations and renal dysfunction in inhabitants in cadmium-polluted regions in Japan: Effects of aging on cadmium and renal dysfunction in Japan. Journal of Applied Toxicology; 37(12). 03/2017

Hoang Duc Phuc, Teruhiko Kido, Ho Dung Manh, et al. : A 28-year observational study of urinary cadmium and β 2 -microglobulin concentrations in inhabitants in cadmium-polluted areas in Japan: 28-year observation of urinary cadmium and β2-microglobulin in Japan. Journal of Applied Toxicology; 36(12). 04/2016

Dao Van Tung, Teruhiko Kido, Seijiro Honma, Ho Dung Manh, et al.: Low birth weight of Vietnamese infants is related to their mother’s dioxin and glucocorticoid levels. Environmental Science and Pollution Research; 23(11). 02/2016

Xian Liang Sun, Teruhiko Kido, Seijiro Honma, Rie Okamoto, Ho Dung Manh, et al Influence of dioxin exposure upon levels of prostate-specific antigen and steroid hormones in Vietnamese men. Environmental Science and Pollution Research; 23(11). 01/2016


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